
Carole Cotton Winn

One day long ago, a woman walked through the gates of Pendle Hill to experience silence in a way she had never known.  Her name was Carole Cotton Winn.  God gave her a vision at Pendle Hill that continued to be revealed step by step.  With each step, her faithfulness grew and people were transformed as they followed God and the vision she was given. With her beguiling smile.  she said. "We can do this," And we did. We would not be here at this place on the journey without Carole’s “yes” to God. 

The story is continuing to unfold and for the purpose of advancing the ministry of spiritual direction and supervision, we have established the Carole Cotton Winn Speaker Fund to help underwrite the fees of resource leaders for our annual Shepherds and Supervisors retreat gathering.

You are invited to donate to the fund in honor of Carole.